There are many ways to get involved

Be part  of the Fundraising team, Pantry room team, Media team or be a general volunteer. There's a way for everyone to help. 

Financial donations go towards administrative costs, buying animal supplies to keep our various programs running and buying specialty food when rescues or community partners need it. 

We're always looking for more partnered stores and vet offices. Without our amazing partners and their customers, we wouldn't be able to do what we do. 

Sacred Animal Medicine and Supplies acknowledges the traditional land on which we reside, is in Treaty Six Territory. We would like to thank the diverse Indigenous Peoples whose ancestors’ footsteps have marked this territory for centuries, such as nêhiyaw (Nay-hee-yow), Dené (Deh-neyh), Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-in-ah-bay), Nakota Isga (Na-koh-tah ee-ska), and Niitsitapi (Nit-si-tahp-ee) peoples. We also acknowledge this as the Métis’ (May-tea) homeland and the home of one of the largest communities of Inuit south of the 60th parallel.